Anyone ever swap their 1.5 tube for a 3x?
Steyr AUG with M203 launcher
Manufacturing process of the G3 in 1970
US Customs official armed with a Steyr Aug rifle in the state of Florida during the 1990's
Nylaug newbie advice
3 of the early AUG prototypes, including a never seen NATO prototype (credit to gunshorts on IG)
Came across this on Twitter, does anyone know more?
Is this worth it?
ef88/f90 work continues. Here is the stock ready with fcg.
9mm kit in MSAR
OG waffle mags still do it better
Need an optic for my AUG, and I’m deciding between an ACOG and the SF-MDOT 3x.
The AUG uses a tapet gas system, not a Stoner/AR18 style
Aug A1
Actually possible? Talking to an MFGR about reproduction A1 receivers...
What’s your favorite guitar?
What gen msar is this?
So I decided to buy an Aug didn’t really do any research and it turns out it’s a MSAR STG-556 not sure which gen it is. I now know it’s no longer in production and parts will be almost impossible to find
Full Auto Polish PM-63 | Polish Gun Shop | Warsaw | Radom 1971 Manufacture
KAK multi-port AUG brake
My girl got a dye job
TNTE (Positive Experience)