did anyone else think this guy was the beast titan?
is minmi the woman singing in this song?
bro what is ign even about 😭
Falco kneww??
Its time for me to look for another job
Recent Research Findings Indicate That One-Third of Yakuza Series Fans Express Dissatisfaction with Yakuza 3.
So even if I surpass 80 semester credits I can TAG as long all those credits are from a community college?
does anyone else think _____’s death is sadder than..
One should be awarded a bachelors degree for catching up to One Piece
Lets end this bickering once and for all
An accountant told me differential equations is part of the accounting curriculum..
an accountant told me accounting is harder than economics..
Linked Horizon has aura
I might have figured out the original ending..
Yakuza 9 Idea: Cowboys in Jamaica
why tf was she recording 😭😭
My drawings of eren kills willy tybur
At what point do you cut your losses and find another job???
Target fulfillment experts get paid more
Honestly war was declared the day Reiner and Bertholdt attacked the walls
Is jung bae dead
I asked deepseek which careers are safest from automation
am i getting fired ✌️😂