How do you handle your kids weird hobbies?
We need to be aware of the real threat to the sonic fandom, if Tamers isn't dealt with he could become the next Chris Chan.
Why do you guys hate anime?
What are your thoughts about Gwody (Gwen x Cody)?
What are your thoughts about "Amagami SS"?
Society and its Effects on the Individual
[Unjerk Thread] The Inevitable Sequel
What are your thoughts about "Highschool DXD"?
Genuinely the ability to control the pacing you experience it at CLEARS the other aspects of it being a show
Same energy
People can't love
Double standards
Do people on here genuinely hate anime or do they unironically hate all anime?
Theres not a single anime better than spongebob
Plot Twist (by Indigo Dappya)
Strategic Incompetence
Concepts made by humans for humans
Friendship doesn't exist
Human Propaganda
Human propaganda
What are some of your little nightmares pet peeves in game and in the fandom
What was once anger has become apathy.
Yea, I like hidden gems too
Monogatari fans be like
Meet the goat Natsuki Subaru