what do you call this in your language ?
yall i keep dying as combo pyro
the theme system journal shipping
Why is Europe-Shipping so Expensive?
Why is shipping fee so expensive to Europe?
Tryckte ut feta korvar
Remembering MF DOOM on the anniversary of his death 4 years ago today
A statement from TeamTSTO on Instagram
Why does the Oxford dictionary have wrongful definitions of Socialism and Communism?
How do I start reading the teachings of Mahayana Buddhism?
We all have that one friend
Jag har ritat en liten krabat, vad ska han heta?
What should I name him?
Need a name for this fictional country
Är det kommunisternas eller invandringens fel att kebaben är så dyr?
Om du va denna astronaut, Vad skulle din första mening vara?
How do I look? Be honest
would you vote for him?
My character tier list
You see him mad at your feet. What did you do?!
What would you say was [adult swim]'s biggest mistake?
What gorillaz song is this
Vapenfri tjänst
Biden is fucked
“Mine’s bigger.”