Saw this in a coffee shop. My 28-year-old daughter had no idea why I said: "Ohhhh noooooooooooooo!" in a high pitched voice.
I'll take the top fifteen, and those with the most upvotes tomorrow, win. Make me proud.
Currently watching Evolution.
Temple date nights made the WORST date nights
How Many Hours Did You Spend on this Game?
I just love this. ♥️
It Finally Happened! Mismarked Brisket
Drop you Favorite SNL skit or quote ( not Cowbell or Matt Foley, we know those are classic)
I refuse to let my stretch-tite box die. The new packaging just ain’t it. Who’s with me?
Does anyone notice the "know it all syndrome" in Mormons even after they leave the church?
I hope this doesn't trigger some of you... IYKYK
Bradley Group Showers (1965)
My brother told me I needed to find God because I got a tattoo
TALKING ABOUT SINGLE RELEASES! | #17 | "Deeper Underground - Sony Music Records UK - 1998 Single Release..What Does Everyone In The Jamily Think Of The Band's 17th Single Release?" (Leave Your Answers In Comments!)
My favorite reminder that Bednar is an asshole and a piece of shit. Nogod forbid any missionary be human.
I don’t know why but I liked this movie
Anyone like this little gem?
LDS church today. Questions on Lucy Harris
Why can't a 55 year old man carry a Def Leppard velcro wallet?
Which american actor pulled off the best British accent?
Joyce Hyser (1985)
Down periscope (1996) coming up on nearly 30 years old now.
If you lived next door to a costco, how would you take advantage of it?
How? How can these words leave your mouth and you still can't see it?
RDLS is gone from Apple Music
Heard a great cover of Virtual Insanity today while walking around.