Facebook post
Why is she so against Dom making jabs at her during a battle? Every person she's battled made jabs at her...Anti, Ness, Ahmed, and a couple women did and even Keene has. But she wants to tell him how to speak and what to speak??? Crazy
How does someone who bragged about being thrown over 300k in free money/gifts now want you to feel sorry for her and is upset that because she wasn't SMART enough to invest that money better and can't handle she won't be getting all that free money now.
Crash out part 3 🥴
Crash out part 2
Crashing out this morning part 1
Hey A, since I know you stalk this page...you saying Dom doesn't get how to make money like you . If he did a live about calling you out as a mother and the POS you are hed actually make more than you 🤣🤣
Cant drive not on live
Tristan on live ranting per usual 😂
Ding Dong the witch is gone hahhahaha
She was never married and researched how to be lazy and get rich
Anyone supporting her is basically an accomplice to her wrong doings..like sitting back watching a person abuse and neglect others and cheering them on.....you are a pos for defending a pos
Her place is so cold and empty not a picture of kids, family, vacations, nothing no family vacations, completely barren And that says so much..
Tiktok emailed me
If he were really walking all the way to Miami...
Fake blood lies(again) it's pathological, seek help.
Buying followers like crazy on Vegan Tutor
She's live right now
List of Lies
isn't it curious .
Another lawsuit?
I gotta say another thing....when you guys go to your job are people throwing $10 to $50 gifts at you, while you sit there and text on your other phone ignoring it? Then start yelling and abusing said people throwing money at you, while expecting them to keep throwing for the next 10 to 16 hrs?
Having a 8 or 9 yr old Be a MOD shows how sick she's always been and doesn't look out for her kids.
Is everyone in this chics life scared of her? Seeing how she is with her youngest child's Dad Dom, he seems so afraid of her the same way her mom responds to her and her grandma. She bully's them all only person in that family I've seen stand up to her is her 14 yr old son. How pathetic!