What different pedestrian sign looks like around the world
How to score goals on FC25?
we listen we don’t judge: secondary school edition.
Do you think cosplaying is cringe or not?
Guess where I'm from based on opinion of every country
has communism every worked?
Instagram comments defending Michael Jackson
What are some names you've been called?
Day 195 of Asking People What Their Favorite Thing is About Different Countries - Palestine
Which team should i do a career mode with?
What form of Fascism would you prefer to live under if you had to?
Do you find girls more beautiful without makeup?
Am I cooked for sixth form based off my November mocks?
i left him on opened and he hasn’t texted me for 2 days he’s such a cunt?
[15f] looking for friends (preferably female)
Not a business per say, but the idea is still there. Out of my two options, who shall I pursue as a partner (50/50)
Which Protagonist Would you say has killed the most amount people
Have I made a MASSIVE mistake?
Is em in a relationship?
What is the weirdest websites your school has blocked?
Which blazer looks better?
[17M] saw someone ask about if they have celebrity lookalikes so I’ll ask the same thing, any ideas?
[16M] first month of the year and i lost my friend
Would you fight for your country?
Do you prefer older girls?