Question About Cancelled Shop Order- So Upset!
Gave the cat binoculars...
Should I keep messed up restaurant order?
IIL ocean songs what would you recommend?
Would it be okay to stop making credit card minimum payments if I know I'm going to file for bankruptcy?
Should I apply for a debt consolidation loan or declare bankruptcy?
bangs or no bangs?
Choosing our favorite New Wave songs A-Z. Today is songs beginning with A. Song comments with most upvotes wins.
42 f
[IIL] Nostalgic 70s rock like Bob Seger and Eagles
ELI5: How does travelling by plane work?
Should I quit a well-paying job because it's boring?
34F Seeking Playlist Swap Partner and Potential Friend
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Is there a name for the way you feel after being high?
Rust marks in sink from pot - any ideas on how to remove these rust stains?
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What kind of bug is this? It is on the opposite side of the glass, so we are looking at its belly.
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Mistakes were made
I made it into the suitcase, now just don't move and they can't see me.