My boyfriend took me to Build a bear for my 15th birthday!!
How many of you DONT do A?
What would you call this country? (The gray one)
What the FUCK do I name him🥰
To all who feel like sexuality is getting out of hand - NSFW just incase
Me bc I'm 17, a virgin and boyfriendless and all my friends are hoes
Visited Las Vegas and my I wanted to get this photo 😬.
Are pretty boys even real?
Dating IS harder for men
STEM bros exploding rn
Twitter is becoming facebook at this point
16 and going to my first job interview
Does this fit the sub?
I just got rejected today😑
Eating out is almost never worth it.
What are artist's even supposed to do anymore?
Thoughts on fallout 4?
Do i look overweight as a 13 year old? (Click on the photos to see them fully)
Um I'm a minor
oOh lgBT aNd rEliGiON bAd
Who would win this hypothetical war?
Famously beautiful British girls look even better in real life.
Hooking up with the trashy girl at work starterpack.