Old plaster wall repair
How did I do? fill/sand/paint/second layer
At first, I persuaded 3 people to start the game
Neuuish deleted everything from YouTube
Ines nerf is not addressing anyone's praise for the nerf
How do you transition into the end game?
Nerfing Void Erosion Purge Again
I love when game does not respect my time
What would you do in Melbourne if you were off work?
Collab with Stellar Blade ?
400% dungeon possible bug?
Not getting Amorphous materials from 4005 dungeon
Whether the game is good or not is opinion based. Stop being so negative.
Name one thing you DON’T miss about TFD at launch, I’ll go first
Biggest takeaway from the dev stream: they are NOT abandoning the game and are actively expanding the team
What are your criticisms
The new quest is so good and better than i expected
Is it me or the game gotten boring?
How many of you are still having a blast with tfd? How many hours have you played?
So gerodium#7638
Farming the Ajax skin, It ain't much but it's honest work
INVASION: bruh I did all of that just to get one????
i have 700 hours played
Future of "Difficult" Content
I think we still need obvious breasts and butts JIGGLING physical effects!