Will AI bring UBI in your opinion?
How 13.5 Chem-Baron changes feel
Which quality of life change you have been waiting for ages?
Which of the past 3 sets was your favorite?
A Lesson in Humility By @imajination16
Let’s talk about currencies
Which league ability that hasn't been used actually has a big potential to be very fun in TFT
Now that we had set 4.5 revival for a day how do you feel about everyone having their own bag sizes?
Which set would you want to be revived among these?
Did the 6 costs make the set worse?
I finally hit Visionary in Set 4.5 Revival!
What will be the gender of the new legend? (Serius question)
Prediction: by Set 16 TFT will be on its own, unique client
What is google titans about and is it really transformers 2.0?
Hot takes on Set 13
Does anyone else wonder what it would feel like to have normal thoughts?
When do you think an ai model will solve one of the millennium math questions?
Have you heard about o3 news from openai?
What are your predictions for this time next year?
Do people like 6costs?
This video feels much more correct now that we have o3
It did a bit of damage
Dragon's Cry- River of Ashes
How can you identify intelligent people?
Is Quality over Quantity augment good?