First proper swirls.
Can certain fragrance oils mess with trace?
Getting swirls in CP soap
My first try at Pencil Lines
Melt and pour vs rebatch
Melt and pour before cp fully cures
Another day, a few more
Shipping soap to the US
Question about color mixing / leaking
Questions about color and fragnance
Need suggestions on getting the soap to dehumidify / harden a little quicker than it does when just leaving it out in the open
Questions about salt in soap
What's the smallest size for a test batch?
Can I store liquid lye for use later?
Need advice on goat milk soap recipe
Can I use grocery rice bran oil in my recipe?
Question about Shea butter
How much xp is required to take your player (commander) to level 25?
How much xp is required to level up my player (commander) to level 25.