Any ideas for incidents to use in my andy ditch parody story?
Does Andy smoke weed?
The color looks great.
I’m speechless
Andy is creeping back into the YT scene. Looks like he posted this not too long ago.
Did Andy delete his Facebook?
What do you hope to see in Secret of the Mimic?
Woman pointing a gun at a computer for some reason, 1998
Favourite Chris Chan rage video?
What is Janet's status?
New Robert Rodriguez project? Wonder if it's Star Wars related
Forget boiling things I want to see oatmeal made with baja blast
POV: You’re a toddler at a playground and you look off into the distance and see this
Is there any news about this?
What's a splicer quote that still sticks in your head to this day?
Anyone else remember Mountain Dew Rise/Energy? I wish they'd bring it back
Scientists at Harvard University have just made a groundbreaking discovery about a rare species of the Woolly Mammoth called the "Boolly Mammoth"
Decided to have a Crack at box art; hopefully there’s not any blue.
Bitching about his boolies being, “creepy”
One of my favorite andy moments
Lynne Marie Stewart (Mrs. Kelly) has passed away
What is your favorite spelling of diaper when imitating Andrew The Fake?
When is the new bioshock gonna release ?
There's a bird in Burger King!