FT: Pics LF: shinies (read desc)
FT: Pics LF: shinies (read desc!)
FT: Pics LF: shiniest (read desc)
FT: PoGo shinies (can give custom OT name)
FT: Pics LF: Gen 8 shinies (see desc)
LF offers. FT: Majority are from SWSH Self-caught with my OT
LF: PoGo stamped shinies from tracker // FT: Spare shinies (NOT PoGo stamped)
Ft: SV Shinies LF: Shiny offers
Looking for Shiny pokemon GO mons in premier ball (not legends) or as level 1s. For Trade All GO stamped.
LF: PoGo stamped shinies from tracker
LF: GO Shiny Legends FT: GO Shinies & Events
FT: Pics LF: shiny tracker (see desc)
Lf: shiny pogo offers
FT: pics LF: shiny tracker (see desc)
FT: shinies LF: anything (shoot your offer)
FT: pics LF: tracker (READ DESC!!)
FT: Pics LF:Offers (READ DESC)
LF: Custom OT Shiny Zacian and Zamazneta from PoGo. PoGo stamped Offers, Beast Ball Shiny. Offers FT: Pogo Mons and my Home collection
LF: Shiny Zacian still in PoGo for custom OT ||| FT: Pics and shinies pinned in profile (willing to do 4:1 if interested in events, 6:1 for regular shinies, 2:1 for pogo stamped legends in Home, more info in comments)
FT Go stamped Shiny Pharoh Trim Furfrou LF Legendary Shiny that i don't have yet
Ft: Shiny French Pogo Piplup Lf: Shiny English Pogo Piplup
Looking for shiny pokemon go unowns and furfrous (debutante, la reine, kabuki, heart)
FT: Pics LF: Shiny Pogo Druddigon, Escavalier, Gothita ans offers
FT: Pics LF: Shiny Pogo Druddingon, Escavalier and Gothitelle (see desc)
LF: shiny pokemon, Mythicals, event pokemon FT: See pictures