Are you getting mlb the show 25? Why or why not.
My first titan, yeah😎
Mailday! My First FAP, from BenHSports! (with an Adidas MiC for comparision)
4 Nations Marshy
My dad and I have been going to games together since before the 04 lockout. He's very sick right now so I've been compiling photos of him/us and thought I'd share these here. F*ck cancer!
Bruins fan rejoice
First win in champs!
That’s my pack luck done for the year
Shocker: TOTY cards are not difficult to build if you actually prepared for them
Wow, first time I’ve ever pulled a toty, and I’ve played since nhl 14 hut
Bonzai Mail Day
The day has come and im absolutely speechless.
Had to pick up my jaw
Fanatics Authentic Pro Home Jersey
Fanatics Authentic Home Pro Jersey
Is icon gretzky worth it?
Not paying xfinity 70 bucks a month more to watch NESN. Alternatives?
Finally got a family photo!
83x 4 pack result. I’m stunned!
Best present ever
After years of searching I finally found one: team issued royal blue adidas MiC!
First Ever FAP/MIC
Project Complete ✅
I made a frivolous jersey purchase