Leg Stability
Incision site
Anyone want to share pics of their wash day shedding?
What is your top tip for reducing inflammation around the sesamoids?
Should i get a sesamoidectomy? (Advice and Opinions all welcome!)
Pain in outer foot after sesamoid removal
1-week post-op update
Describe your pain?
Incision is soo itchy
sesamoid problem
Why isn’t there a sesamoid replacement surgery?
every week i cry atleast once because of this chronic injury
Return to yoga?
Bipartite Sesamoid
what were your experiences/symptoms?
Curious about medications given post OP
Post-op Physical Therapy
Shoes without shoelaces for nurses
Has anyone had sesamoid surgery just for sesamoiditis?
What lead u to surgery?
Sesamoidectomy Post Op
Surgery Scheduled in 4 Weeks - Tips/Tricks?
Surgery Success Stories?
Pain in Sesmoid