New rounds
Going break
The Year of the Snake is all about shedding that bad energy
I bought another $1000 face of Constitutional Silver as the US Dollar worries me
Junk silver
Are straight vertical scratches and dark marks normal on a bullion coin?
It sank with my boat near here, if found please return!
Apmex is gone downhill and they don’t care.
Sippin on Sliver with the Lion King.
Is APMEX a decent company ?
Is it a 10 or what?!
Patina on Geiger silver bar?
Lesson From Stacking Silver - DON'T BUY JUNK SILVER!!!
Aztec Calendar 5 oz Silver Necklace
How about a bowl of ‘Chunky’ Soup?
Symmetrical bald eagle gliding over water
I sent back my Geiger today. Am I crazy or too picky?
Rate my steak
Just added one more to the top
Is our 12 week old CC a F1 mix?
What’s a good name for this Cavapoo
Name this face game!
I’m very new to collecting, wanted to get opinions…