Should the Clone army have been bigger than the movies/shows/books/games portrayed?
How long have you been Star Wars fan for?
Even after a year of finishing the comic, this is still one of the saddest panels I've seen.
What book is your 'one of the books of all time'? As in, what novel did you find unbelievably mediocre?
Finished Shadows of the Empire a little while ago. This was my main takeaway...
What are your thoughts on KOTOR?
I made a dumb meme based on Luke's conversation about Joruus C'baoth to R2-D2
Trigger a fandom with one sentence
Which lightsaber color do you prefer for Kyle Katarn?
What are some artists that are ridiculously good with a specific character?
Do you prefer Zeus to be depicted with white hair or brown hair?
I don't know if this has been asked before, but is there an explanation for why Atlas still lived after having his soul taken, but Hades didn't?
Best version of Mara Jade in the EU?
What planet deserves to be blown up?
Revan in regular Jedi attire just hits different.
Battle of Endor painting by me
Got randomly paired with a 343 dev today. I know it’s not a big deal, but I think it’s pretty cool
Hardest panel in the manga imo.
I'm reading The Last Command currently and I would like to know how important is it to read Dark Empire and Tales of the Jedi before Jedi Academy.
How Mace barters
Merry Sithmas
Just got to Chapter 268 and uh...why does the Beast look like that?
How do you think Dark Empire could have been BETTER?
Star Wars - Anakin Solo at Centerpoint Station! AI Upscaled - Color Enhanced
What are your thoughts on Dark Empire?