Officially 0-6 on attempts to get tickets
Ticket prices for Kill Tony?
Does every woman and simp assume every guy is old here?
Heidi’s packing
Am i cooked
Dr Phil on Neflix Suckedddd!
Early prediction… Worst guest of all time:
Visitor from Reno who has just been hit with the worst càse scenario. In need of desperate help.
Michael Gonzales
Joe Rogan's reaction when that guy said, "Tony, I'm your wet dream"
Trump Shocked to Learn That Registered Republicans Can Vote for Harris.
Washtenaw County Boycott List
MMW: Harris will get 1984 election results on Tuesday because everyone is so pissed at the overturn of Roe vs Wade!!!
Well this happened
Can someone spell out for me if the election results affect the type of residency program I should choose/my rank list?
He’s losing his shit 😂
What in the actual F***
Fellow physicians that make $750k and above, what is your specialty, and hours/week.
I’m the Ekko, is this game ‘go next’ or what should I do to win the game?
Very, very, very, very low quality matches this split.
Anyone else experiencing gigantic loss streaks this split?
Restaurant with hidden Fees
Shut the fuck up about vaccines and be funny
I feel that ranked is a joke