What’s with the increasingly obsessive and bizarre posts and sentiments here?
Should I give up?
This is surely one of Elliott’s most underrated songs
New Moon Album Cover
What's your favorite Heatmiser song?
elliott cake
If Elliott Smith appeared in your bedroom and offered to play you one song, which one would you choose and why?
Tell me your #1 song on your spotify wrapped
Ai is getting too advanced...
What the fuck is going on here?
What do Elliott Smith haters say?
Christian Brothers
Looking for songs that are massive 'fuck yous' to someone
What phrases or words do you find reoccurring in Elliott’s work?
What is your smell?
do you feel like you hype up elliotts songwriting ability?
People judge me for being too quiet
listening to some Elvis Costello & noticed a similar melody
Is it weird to want someone with eczema
Was watching Billy Madison on mute listening to Elliott and was wondering what would happen if Elliott Smith had to go back to school, when I realized he’d probably be bullied due to his sensitive nature. Do you agree?
Give me some of your 10/10 albums
which songs do you feel like are more suited for nightime than daytime and vice versa?
Is there any footage of Elliott playing the drums?
just gonna leave this here
Showering with cold or warm water?