Be so fr, do you find it icky when boys cry
[F17] bored and looking for cool friends!! dont be creepy pls :/ i suck at answering btw!
AIO? Long distance girlfriend wants to take a break
What do you do when a random boy/guy tries to dm you?
What's the biggest red flag in a guy
[14f] Looking for silly goober friends
This gorgeous 1970s mini with my boots!
Me when meme dump 💔
[16f] WHO ARE YALLS CELEBRITY CRUSHES??!?!?? if anyone says my man I will hunt you down btw :3
8+ sticks of butter later…
Is it true that teenage girls only care about looks?
What do u girls find attractive in a boy
Just some of my Elvis stuff that I have.
How to feel better about ur body
Favourite Videogames?
Whats something you find nowhere near attractive but everyone else does?
[14f] I want silly goofy goober friends
My CD and DVD collection.
[14F] pls bmf if u like slushynoobz (no newgens tho)
Rate my box for the car
14f from US ama
What do you think?
[16M] trying this again im so bored and need some longterm friends preferably dont ghost me
My girlfriend’s dad spot