Attention, Magneto mains. Our shield may got nerfed, but after the damage buff, Mag now has quick one-shot combos for squishies.
Maybe I’m the odd man out here…
Might be the one time I preferred the Midnight Suns design
Trento, poliziotta transgender picchiata a sangue da tre ultrà
Sony sued for ‘disproportionate Sony tax’: abusing its market position to increase game prices
He has been right the entire time
Smartest Spider-man player:
“Why Nintendo thinks everyone buys multiple Nintendo Switch consoles”
George R.R. Martin Says There Are Talks About Making an ‘Elden Ring’ Movie
LMAO this is hilarious
Love the Thing, but releasing him with a flier that buffs another flier on top of buffed Iron man is cruel
The thing has taught me that people arent good at playing aggressive
Report: NetEase Nearly Canceled Marvel Rivals Before Launch, CEO Objected Paying Disney For Licensing
Groot players watching their own teammates destroy their ironwood Wall for no f*cking reason
It's clobberin time!
LMAO they just came out
Everyone else is worried hes gonna be op....meanwhile I'm just happy for the expanded menu.
People don't like to play tanks because they don't give visible value.
Can we talk about what actually needs a balance patch? The answer is Frank's biceps.
'Daspo per chi indossa il burqa', la mozione della Lega a Venezia
Marvel Rivals has passed 40 million players, as NetEase reports net revenue of $2.9 billion
[Gaming] Ex-Amazon Gaming VP Ethan Evans (on LinkedIn): "The truth is that gamers already had the solution to their problems, and they weren't going to switch platforms just because a new one was available."
You are hard stuck because you are at the rank you deserve
Da mesi faccio ricerche soltanto con l'intelligenza artificiale, mentre i motori di ricerca sono perlopiù fuorvianti