Thoughts on AI and the Left: Can We Adapt or Will It Be Another Lost Battle?
Quem controla o mundo, segundo o compasso
Nazism is when hyperboles and superlatives
bons tempos
The poor small business, their struggle for auronomy is of utmost importance.
How do you feel about Left Marxism-Leninism?
Who was the better Roosevelt?
Qual a polemica do Trotskismo e por que no geral se critica bastante essa vertente?
What if Stalinists stayed in power in USSR.
feminism is... le good?
Mao was a great man; he did a lot of good; he also did a lot of harm.
Socially apropriated from Scryl
Indicações de literatura sobre os governos Vargas?
If you think about it, Hitler was the first Socialist to truly attempt global revolution.
Dauve more like Daugay
What was the reason behind the Soviet-Polish war?
what the actual fuck
but muh wholesome dehumanizing
After the French Revolution of 1924, a Red Scare swept all neighboring countries minus superpower Germany, leading to the rise or maintenance of authoritarian governments in nearly all of them.
Proposal image for Stalinism in the Polcompball Anarchy wiki
Was nazism and fascism the same?
Kropotkin’s version of Marx’s quote. Emphasizes all basic bread needs meet first, over productive forces which are secondary.
mfw bourgeois socialists support the bourgeosie's interests
Regarding war communism