Would you prefer John Wick: Chapter 5 to a prequel or should they leave it alone
Favorite hidden gem of a song?
Tarantino movies suck
Gastropub is a gross, unappealing thing to call a restaurant.
My most ignorant creation: pineapple, jalapeño, and skinned, diced Tabasco flavored Slim Jims
Frozen chicken nuggets are way better than fast food ones.
Do you consider Inglourious Basterds to be Quentin Tarantino's best film?
Have you seen The Hunted (2003)? I think this movie was awesome thriller film. Fast paced and action packed. It has the same vibes like First Blood and The Fugitive .
It’s the PNW; it’s dark, it’s stormy; you’re reading by a wood fire. What are you drinking?
Now watching
Star Wars, The return of the Jedi is the best Star Wars movie.
What’s a horror movie with a really unique concept that you think more people should know about?
Strip club with good food?
Before John Wick avenged his dog, Cleric Preston saved a whole litter - is this the most underrated action scene ever?
I don’t like going to the clubs
Plus sized people shouldn’t model
what is your opinion on Don't Look Up (2021)?
Why does everything have to be an IPA?
Favorite sandwich in salt lake?
Everything chocolate flavored is disgusting
Do you prefer horror movies that explain everything or ones that leave things unanswered?
What do you think of Jessica Chastain?
Top 25 Greatest Horror Movies: From 1-25 - What's the No. 21 Greatest Horror Film of All Time?
Who is your favorite detective duo?
Stop Blaming Transplants. Y’all were gonna be in this situation regardless