What’s a head cannon in your fandom that’s SO widespread that some people think it’s canon?
In your opinion, is Vermont upside-down New Hampshire or is New Hampshire upside-down Vermont?
The "super happy character is actually depressed" trope is the best, and no one can convince me otherwise
In your opinion, is Vermont upside-down New Hampshire or is New Hampshire upside-down Vermont
What's the most ridiculous/silly reason you stopped reading a fanfic?
Do all odd numbers have “e” in it? This is what google said 💀
Let's chat about the drama about Q not streaming much in English lately
What's the usual age range of the authors on a03?
How do u guys get ideas to write?
Google Maps has officially renamed the Gulf of Mexico and Google Calendar has removed cultural holidays for minorities.
Time for some real Technoblade fan’s opinions
Authors, what writing program do you use?
What was the moment that got you into fanfic?
news about the drama
Are writers allergic to portraying sexual assault as a bad thing if the victim is male or if the offender is female?
Coverup ideas
drop ur fics!!
Writers whose parents found out about your account, how did they react?
6 fics I like that hadn’t been updated in over a year have recently been updated I’m going to have a fucking aneurysm
Whats one tag you just can't be bothered with, but everyone else seems to love?
Was having a pretty meh day, but then discovered this in the bookmarks of one of my fics
Looking for a DSMP fic I want to reread
Can't remember the title of a fic I want to reread
The second most kudo-ed fic on Ao3