Getting two 2 year old corn snakes tips
What's the meaning of your name?
I’m getting two 2 year old snakes tips?
Hey I’m taking in two 2 year old snakes from my neighbours tips?
Is red dye supposed to look orange when developing
It’s so unfair
Spider Bite adviceee 😍
I can’t cope anymore
My neighbour had passed and I was taking care of her 18 year old cat and sadly he was put down to be buried with her 💕
The nesting has gotten worse but it doesn’t feel uncomfortable at all
Nearly 7 years ago we were told we’re getting a tabby just to find out she’s more of a void 🤣 wouldn’t want her any other way
My gorgeous boy
I hate Christmas
Ever just think “what that fuck?”
Now that I lost my dad I feel like nobody has a dad
Is this normal I just got it done and realised this (repost for better photo)
I’m so fed up of talking to my mum at night
Is it crooked?
I only stopped for people around me
lip piercing swollen really badly (first photo is the day I got it and the second is the day after)
My cat purs weirdly
Why does my cat pur so weird
How to know what scar my old septum is
Healing advice for a snake bite I got yesterday!
Am I Overreacting: My Girlfriend is Celibate