Let's go opposite this time- what's your most disliked album, and the most tolerable/liked song as well as most disliked in said album?
New to this sub, what do the people think of Map of Your Head?
Was anyone in this sub at the Hullaballoo show in person?
Simulation theory haters please tell me why
New Album In 2026
I want to start listening to Muse
Muse Deep Cuts You've Seen Live
Songs Muse might not play live again (or ever)
i’m still waiting
Which song is the best and worst live?
Best drumming in every album?
Every Official Muse Instrumental
Who Knows Who
Appreciation for Post-BHaR Muse
Started my project to build every Muse Tour stage in Minecraft with my favourite stage! (Resistance Summer Stadium Tour 2010)
Looking for the Official Instrumentals (UP TO DATE 1999-2022)
stockholm syndrome performance
Perfect Muse tribute setlist
Take care of yourselves today
Is will of the people a good album?
2025 Festival Tour: Megathread
Any other amazing cover performances I should know about?
The 3 year rule and 2025
What is the song?
When Muse will retire ?