Bills HC Sean McDermott says that ST coordinator Mathew Smiley will be back next season
life in the big city
My take on this because it had to be done
Why are they so obsessed with making everything gay?
Ida Bjerkeskaug is a Norwegian painter that has made an art piece of US politics
Scientists have moved the hands of the "Doomsday Clock" at 89 seconds to "nuclear midnight".
Can the Mods start removing karma farming FUD?
When did The Office jump the shark?
What are you gonna do Libs? Cry harder? 🤣
A class act
These people can’t be serious…?
Today in Denver, $10.99 for One Dozen eggs. Eggs used to be 89¢. Thanks, Trump.
I think the chiefs/refs broke my love of football
Is it an unpopular opinion to actually really like and have fun with Bo6?
Average Bills fan
which one of these looks more right?
Who else thinks a spin-off mini-series about the warehouse crew would be awesome?
Get Ready Apes...
What is the current teenager culture for this decade?
Was Nicks final scene the best exit for a character on the show?
The Chiefs put Allen on their tackle dummies
Marisa Tomei through the years
Banned for being apart of this sub.. lol
Decided to pull out this morning and leave doge behind
With Switch 2, a new 3D Mario game will probably be announced. What would you prefer?