My reaction to discovering kcd2 doesn't have auto brew:
Greeks are hardcore
Man I love Reddit
On which platform will you play KCD 2?
Is rangiku the most overrated bleach waifu in terms of looks?
She answered the call
Is this Turkey or Greece ? correct anwsers only
Ok boobies
Does ME2 have the best opening sequence in the series?
It’s complicated 😅
Italian grandpa can’t stand how grandson cuts prosciutto
I can't tell if ID Tech 6 and iD games are black wizards, or everyone else and UE5 just suck.
Salut, știți cumva daca îl găsesc pe Filelist?
I peed on this after I took the pic
Posting memes out of Vrook lamar quotes day 1
Anon works with a femcel
PC (prebuilt) at my local store, is it worth it?
New names just dropped
That time when I suited up for PaxEast
Cea mai mare greșeală