Rough Day, Show me your favorites 🥺
Today is my birthday
Upgraded from street vagabond to plushie connoisseur ✨️
Plans to Restrict Food Stamp Purchases
This woman almost got his own quest failed, holy fuck
AS symptoms began after infection / antibiotics
My first Build-a-Bear, Davie the Highland Cow!
Should I keep this? A 1500-second cooldown is insane, plus my appearance didn’t change when I activated it outside of a mission
Personalized recording
How if AS diagnosed?
Keep getting “Shorted” how to fix
My sacro going to kill me
Is bilaterial sclerosis of the SI joint a "smoking gun" for AS?
I'm a Ground driver. 90% of the posts on this sub are dehumanizing, ungrateful attacks against men and women just trying to do their jobs.
Anyone else get more dirty looks from kids rather than adults for carrying around your BABs?
Red Roses vs Rose Bouquet vs Floral Bouquet ? (scent)
24 hours later and Heph has taken custody 🤣
First X-ray
Self restraint? Never heard of her!
Samantha has faced countless challenges over the past 21 years of her life.
Show me your best-dressed build-a-bear!
Yes thank you Cyberpunk 2077 🗿
ADHD memory loss strikes again!
Got a pre-loved BAB on the way! How can I make her mine?