What death of a famous person actually affected you most?
Anyone know what these two are?
Does anyone know what recipe this is, and where could i get it?
Ok buddy baldur
Will the star disappear?
The end of Empress Olga
Some progress for myself I’m kinda proud of
Coaxed into this blender trend
I can't stop obsessing over this tree formation that grew randomly in front of my bat cave
You can do some actions while on horseback. I like to imagine it's your horse that's actually performing these acts (sidenote: I name all my horses Fat Boy)
What game is this for you?
my main couple and their firstborn
What do you think would have happened if foreskin couldnt get the top spinning? Would the pink suits kill the entire team????
Took me till year 3 to realize fiber seeds are a thing AND can be planted in winter 😅
DE characters ranked by how good i imagine they'd smell
coaxed into frutiger aero
Today years old when I discovered I could do Cuno’s voice
oh my god, oh my god. this is gonna be a grog day
Never thought I'd say this, but Cuno's such a sweet kid
I'm start to thinking that Yoru motivation is NOT turning Tennis into weapon, but something else...
Eggs are heaven sent angels without wings sent to our farm to liberate us from poverty
Cheese gone bad - late blowing
What would YOUR "Smallest Church" be?
Partially shaved cats
CD Projekt Red prepared for The Witcher 4's "vibe" by having devs old and new make a fresh quest together in The Witcher 3's next-gen update