Rat Supremecy
Cold DoT Shaman Question
I hate Mythic+
I'm trying to learn shaman, and hekili constantly wants me to use this spell or ability. What is it? I can't for the life of me find a spell or ability with this icon on my shaman?
Need help with keybinds
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ SUMMON PATCH NOTES ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Playing with a friend and I accidentally typed in Global Chat
Latency Issue
1 Early Access key up for grabs. Funniest joke wins
Free EA code!
4 Early Access keys available
Will trade dogo pics for EA key
Will send feet pics for Early Access code
Giving away 3 EA steam keys
I've got 3 keys I don't know what to do with. Why do you need/deserve one? top 3 answers gets 'em.
demand ratio: tanks vs healers
Why am i toxic for not wanting to boost ppl for free?
Right lads, some of you are pissing me off
If they released another live album, what should they name it?
Power Siphon Locus Mine Help
Good bosser build?
Infernal Blow starter?
100 Crit Fire Acid Flask Falconer Corruption 892 (Trash AF Gear) | Last Epoch 1.1
Stormtotem - Unmatched Storm is NUTS!