Found this picture of sniper school graduates. Is the lady on the far right the famous Tatyana Baramzina ??
Marketplace in Montreal is terrible and expensive
Scammed by a person I was trying to help out
Why don't Tamiya sell pre-built/pre painted ?
Its kind of insane it took me 3 War Factory in order to stop shells from 3x Storms to land on the ground
Il faut profiter acheter sur Amazon asap!
Unsung Heroes : Farm Workers
Tailor wont make cloaks ?
Hooded Horse aims to never release a patch without real substance and to "polish as much as possible"
My wood industry area. I really enjoy how you have enough wood related buildings to make it look like an entire indsutry. Im hoping for more buildings so we can do the same with Hunting, berries, etc.
I see this multiple times a year… For those of you with kids, please take some time to explain the importance of staying off the ice.
Raiden is so broken it's unbelievable.
Le dating a Montréal
Raiden is a little OP, how to counter it
Its 2025 and we still dont have service consumptions showing in the budget tab... what the hell...
Bye Bye 2024
Rosenthal city, so far.
Est-ce que quelqu’un pourrait appeler Meubles RD pour annuler ma commande?! Mon téléphone est mort. Dites que c’est Éric qui appelle. Vous êtes gentils de faire ça pour moi.
Call ins
Tapis d’entrée dégueu
Il n'y a pas si longtemps, toute cette flotte aurait été une magnifique tempête de neige
Fire is the most un-interesting, lame and boring part of this game.
better counter to boats?
This game is so good
Étant un plein de marde donneur de leçon qui veut se montrer, et particulièrement pour faire chier Elon Musk, j'écris un petit mot pour dire que j'ai redonné 20$ à Wikipedia et je vous encourage à faire pareil.