What is your Thugger “deep cut?”
What is your Eminem “deep cut?”
Big Wes spitting game 🔥
Started an online personal training business.
Minor things that annoy you about the gym?
Centos 9 has not updated repos
5’9” 27M ~158lbs bulk or cut, bf%
When do you feel the effects of enclomiphene?
How can I gain muscle if I’m skinny
Is James Les natty? His physique is surely naturally attainable but is he natty?
Runny nose symptoms
Lifetime natty, will SARMS benefit me looks and muscle wise or just mess up my health?
Is AC-262 suppressive?
MK-677 for “Beard Growth”
Best fitness “business coach”?
Do NOT take finasteride…
Brian ron mark (instagram coach)
Holy shit Enclomiphene
Wes Watson Breaks Down In Tears Starts Crying 😂😂
Hey does anyone here pay for mentorship/coaching from a fitness business coach they can recommend? Or listen to any good podcasts relating to your personal fitness business?
First cycle at 20
Anyone use Kratom as a pre workout?
Why is the job market in IT bad right now?
5’10, 235lbs, M22, 18% BF
Lifetime natty 9 years bodybuilding, should I take Enclomiphene and AC-262?