Marriage license
Name a place to eat at thats nasty af but people hype tf out of it
Key fob battery
Boundaries and finding my voice
What store did you work at in the mall?
I can't let this go and he's not showing me that I can
Weird songs that simply could not have been popular except during the 90s
Realizing he's probably a narcissist
"Not a flex dining guest"
My Time Dining Reservation Prior to Sailing
Fully Booked Comedy Show
Those who have been betrayed did you fall out of love with your WP while trying to reconcile?
Music that disparages the other woman
Free love reading
Just something I wrote
Free Tarot Card Reading! ✨ I`ll Draw 3 Cards For Your Question.
I want to stay...
39 years ago today, a group of strangers gathered in an old house for some kind of party. FIO if you know what the occasion was.
Keep having intrusive thoughts about contacting AP...
Personality traits
DDay Anniversary #2
Is this a phase?
Free Yes or No Readings 💗
What is the sexiest song you know?
How Do I Stop Obsessively Searching for More After D-Day?