I need to get a hobby NGL, nah who cares AVERAGE LR GO(AT)DS TURN RAHHHHHH
New SS4 just dropped
I saw this post today of a guy asking whether Vegito had a higher atp than a full Gogeta rotation. Here's the answer.
And while Cosplaying as Thier GOATS too, I am Not Surprised.
This is a CRAZY dual dokkanfest
Daima Spoilers. Great active skill scene + K.O. screen. What did you guys think of the ending?
If anyone asks why it takes me 9 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds to complete a single stage, this is why.
These EZAs...they mean something to me man 🥹
Imagine being a LR gods fan LMAO
Guys please stop using TEQ vegito as leader if you're using the year 7s 🙏
Their normals just hit so fucking hard, I'm not even mad I missed the HiPo Super
You guys ready for next year?
Careful with the dodge cancelling stages guys. It's not like you can set up stuff like this when you get to those phases of the fight
The LR Gods are only on one leader skill here, and it was only a 200%....
Just a reminder that the blue boys can still slot one without dodge
With double Gogeta support 😱
Remember when this boss was tanky?
This the REAL Blue Boys (Fuck the Agl Frauds)
No Super Attack? No Problem.
Oh, the fun we're having right now
So, you always transformed the 7th Anni eza when last phase of boss?
This just doesn't feel real. I swear I've had dreams like this before.
"WhY wOuLd YoU bRiNg ThEm To A DoDgE cAnCeL FiGhT" They can tank.
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