any advice to fix this?
New akaza fig finally here
Absolute banger the new Itachi. The Naruto line just don’t miss.
Ps5 W: enough runes for max lvl H: Karma or u can ask for something specific and ill check if i have. (lvl 217 rn)
Ps5 W: anyone willing to drop me some runes. H: a lot of armour just ask and i can see if i have it
Ps4 W: upvotes and maybe some karma H: a stack of all runes in the game
Xbox: w: +karma h: rune give away for about a hour at Elleh pw 810 put red sign down please
(Psx) H: Whatever you want W: A happy community
Rune drops!
Free Rune, Armour, Equipment drops PS4/PS5
Rune Drop Elden Ring
Need one more member for a five stack
Game glitch
I did it!!!
Is this team any good
Is this team good. I was thinking about replacing inkay for a grass type but idk