bleach baths with groin flares
i’m scared
cyst or dep?
how to deal with a groin flare?
i’m so scared how do u guys do it?
how do you tell if u are getting a new flare?
how to sleep during a flare?
sick and in pain
is it safe to use a at home IPL laser hair remover?
what questions can i ask my dermatologist?
do antidepressants affect HS?
does it ever get easier to deal with?
does ur hs effect your mobility?
how to get an abscess to drain?
really struggling right now
how do u describe ur pain to other people?
does anyone have any excuses i can use when my arm hurts?
any tips on how to get a cyst to drain?
does anybody know how to help with pain while walking?
is it normal for cysts to bleed?
advice for armpit flair
does anyone have tips for pain?