What is everyone’s Top 5 Sb dunks of 2024 ? (Discussion)
These were well worth it
How hard are these going to be to get?
You can only have 1 pair which one is your shoe of choice?
What’s a recent pickup for you?
Someone told me that James made a post about a sarm (Osta) causing muscle loss?
Which dunks are your all-time favorites?
Anyone else have a list of hopefuls for the year?
Angie Miranda becomes the first ever Fit Model IFBB Pro
Today I won my bikini pro card finally!!
I know some will justify but I cant
Phoebe is with Fitbody Fusion…
Whey protein and creatine
So hyped on this pickup. Went with my buddy to CCS to check out some gear and just randomly saw these on sale. As a lifelong skater I’m ecstatic right now lol
What drop are you most looking forward to in 2025? It’s going to be a hell of a year for us true OG sneaker heads.
How many sneakers do you own?
Didn’t y’all say you hated these?
No! No! No!!!
Next QS release from SB, Midnight Navy SB AJ4s
Jordan x Union
Are these gonna be hard to get? Worth paying resell now?
Legends Classic Fit Model
Am I being unrealistic aiming to do a bikini competition in 2-3 years?
IFBB Bikini Pro Glute Structure Confusion