Hint on the plot of John Wick 5? "He was the one you sent to KILL the boogey man!"
Is Jesus usually just depicted as whatever race suits the intended audience?
Whats a beautiful girl name to you ?
Use one line and see if we can guess your movie. I'll start.
What's a film you'll always enjoy watching, no matter what critics, reviewers, and cinephiles tell you otherwise?
What is your reason to stay alive?
Anyone else feel like Trump just massively embarrassed himself.
Why are you NOT afraid of death?
Your last Google search is what kills you. How did you die?
What are you super sick of?
You are asked to rename Earth, what are you calling it?
Easing my daughter into horror: What movie is a step up from Poltergeist?
If someone grabbed you out of your chair right now and said you have to give a one hour speech on any topic of your choice as long as it was informative and they would pay you $10,000, what would your speech be about?
So Greg House is just a sociopath, right?
does anyone know any good horror movies that arent realistic and dont have alot of jumpscares
What horror movie scared you the most? Could be recent or old.
what movies made you go “WTF did i just watch?”
Whats a horror series you've never been disappointed in? And one that you have?
Baby, it's cold in the car
horror veterans what movie will still have you sleeping with the lights on?
Blade (1998) - Opening Scene (HD)
What is up with so many suburban people in this state LARPing as country folk?
I hate bowling and I hate all of you!!!