For those who know the lore, who is your favourite legendary lord in terms of Warhammer lore?
What faction are you playing at the moment? What's happening in your campaign?
Would Jinx fit in the Arkhamverse?
If had to worship one Chaos God in real life for anyone to see who would it be?
We DO judge
Imma bout to bust!
Making a list that is fun to play against
Rejoice! For our beneficent king hath won!
With our last monogod DLC coming sometime next year, what will be the Slaanesh equivalent?
Prbly my final 2024 mini and my first ever reddit post showing one of my minis. Thoughts?
My first ever mini posted on reddit and probably my last WIP project of 2024. Thoughts?
Why do you love Admech as a faction?
quantum mechanics meme
I find it actually kinda funny how there are like..4 different characters to blame for the current situation but for some reason,a lot of people wanna blame the literal 17 year old for just wanting a loving family.
Caitlyn really did go through it at the end
Does any of you know how thanquil reacted to Gotreks return?
What kinds of Mortarchs would you like to see?
My sister asked me to make this….
Women are so cute and I think they are available for sale
"Mistakes Into Miracles"
Skulltaker brings the end times
The powerful are finally getting scared. I hope.
What do you guys think of my list?