Lvl 89 TItan. I have only 3176 live 14051 armour + 12% additional physical damage reduction 88% total. 75% elemental res and 10% chaos res. I know its no enought. My question is "I dodge rolled to early or to late". Pls send help.
I like this crafting system :) Magic item (%armour +strength). regal -> (+armour). 1st exalt ->(fire res). 2nd exalt -> (lightning res). 3rd exalt -> (+armour, %armour). After quality 20 and 2 iron runes i vall orb it and got 4% max physical damage reduction. Im so happy :)
My first One Faith as Catholic Austria -> HRE. First try, it took me 3 days off work to achive.
Opinions on using console commands to speed up progression?
Listen, I completely understand what’s going on with BDO and why “END GAME” players would be mad enough to quit or take a break. However I am seeing a spam of players who aren’t even End Game yet join in on the doompost train, following the trend without having an actual complaint. Just copying.