Ben Shelton + Andy Roddick serve comparison.
TIL the fastest US Open serve was in 2021 by Oscar Otte at 243.0 km/h (151.0 mph)
Let's revisit the time when Medvedev had to suffer Xenophobic slurs. A heckler shouts "go back to Russia". This is what Medvedev has to deal with at slams
If someone is already in a prelim and applies for a Categorical or Advanced or PGy2 Residencies., How are they evaluated since they have some intern year experience already?
3/6 holosystolic murmur and a diastolic rumble are heard at the apex: NBME says it's Mitral Stenosis. But how?
Does anyone have a deck for Episode 21 (Pediatrics) of Divine Intervention Podcast?
Research checkbox for High School students trying to get in to College (USA): what's your opinion on this?
Boomers of reddit, what personal decision made the most impact in your life?
Which celebrity/musician/entertainment performer would you pay the price of their ticket to not see?
How much are you TAUGHT during clinical rotations at your school
Anyone ever thought methimazole was an anti-fungal azole medication while taking an exam?
Couple has adoption application rejected after telling social worker they’d force an LGBT child to “live a chaste life.”
Is all the doom and gloom about EM legitamate?
Sherri Tenpenny, an osteopathic doctor, said vaccines magnetize people. Ohio suspended her medical license.
This meme didn't even last a fortnight.
TIL Nathaniel Alexander, an African American living in Lynchburg, Virginia in 1911, patented the folding chair. His design included a book rest that was usable for the person sitting in the seat behind and was ideal for church or choir use.
For patients with splenectomy, how often do we give haemophilus influenzae, meningococcal vaccines?
If you suspect Turner Syndrome from the vignette, do you go straight to Karyotyping test right away OR do you follow the amenorrhea flow chart (eg, start with ultrasound, etc.)?
I’m an M4 and sleep too much. Advice on how to not?
I’ve been on psychiatry for five weeks now
Neisseria Meningitidis's rash: I've seen it described as pustular, petechial, or purpuric. Which one is really it?
According to UWorld Heat Stroke is ≥104°F. However, NBME gave a me a vignette with 103°F and it was a heat stroke. What is the minimum temperature for NBME's purposes?
is 5% dextrose hyportonic? This is what NBME is telling me.