Recommend a song
Just got diagnosed! What now?
I collect plastic gems because they make my brain go yes
Alcohol and Bipolar: Do you drink? How does it affect you?
Recommend a book that made you feel seen.
What ability do you have that others don’t?
Where is John Barrowman's TARDIS jersey from?
What fantasy/sci-fi books would you recommend?
Gay romance book with mid-20s MCs
I am convinced
Kid Cudi's Final Words Were Perfect
Love this
Those who have walked out of a job in the middle of a shift, what caused you to do it?
Are there less and less trick or treaters each year?
What are examples of selfless good deeds?
Why do you use this app forgotten by God?
What’s something people often don’t realise is illegal?
What is something that was acceptable 100 years ago which is unacceptable today?
What’s the craziest thing you have done to avoid going to work?
I (34 F) keep finding glitter on my husband’s (35 M) face, have already talked about it. Not sure what to do next.
How do you deal with the lows?
Where to start
"Theydies" and "gentlethems" - do you like the use of these terms?
What is something you can say during sex and _______?
What is my superpower?