Mac styling irritation
Matching strings with characters and number ranges
At your age, didn't you think that the medical community would have more "cures" for disease like cancer by now??
Culturally, do british people feel more close to North America or to Europe?
Experienced interviewers: Tell us your horror stories in which you've misjudged a candidate, and only realized it once they had been hired.
What is your hobby or passion that puts your mind at ease?
What's a creepy fact you wish you never learned?
Do you guys think cloud networking should be part of a data engineers skill set?
Is it harder to take care of yourself past 30 or do people just let themselves go and make bad health decisions?
What's a Guiness World Record you don't think will ever be broken?
PyCharm vs VSCode
Old People with Toxic and Dead Parents: How Do you Feel About them Now?
Is the EU actually overregulated compared to for example the US?
When was the last time you read a book and what was it?
Is it pointless for women to learn self defense?
Is it normal to find working out (weightlifting) boring and overrated?
Anyone 35+ remember going to the circus as a kid? Folks nowadays have no idea what the circus is, what made this happen?
What's something you believe but can't prove?
Are there any benefits to being short?
My boss scheduled a meeting with HR and him on the last day of my PIP next Thursday, am I done or is it a good sign?
Must I use uv package manager?
New to data: Curious about real-time pipelines!
People who live with a SO, how do you share the laundry chores? Do you wish things were different?
A Cloud Guru Terminating Lifetime Access
Testing approach for Databricks especially Spark