What position do you sleep in?
What do you think would be a good name for her?
What is the worst thing your parents did to you?
What should I name my pigeon?
Treating your bullies with kindness is not the way to go
What’s the biggest difference between now and the historical time periods?
What the Signs Hate the most
What are your “cheat meals” when you are on a diet?
I turned and yelled to my husband “It’s just water”! “When did you change into a red shirt…” I explained as the “water” continued to drip from the ceiling.
My mother used to play pillow dolls with me as a baby. I don’t know why my Mom always forced me to eat my pillow
What are some ways to deal with a passive aggressive, toxic ex best friend?
Who is today’s most controversial person?
What is your revenge story?
Flower, nature name ideas that are unique and won’t traumatize my child
You will never know for sure if you are mortal.
3pm to 12am feels a lot longer than 3am to 12pm.
Why do we call it 'sleeping like a baby' when babies wake up every two hours?
What if the universe is just a dream, and we’re all the characters in someone else’s imagination?
Helping a friend. What should we name this little girl?
What should her name be? She is a diluted tortoise shell!
How come so many people base their opinions/views on what celebrities do or say?
What’s something you believed as a child that you later realized was completely wrong?
What generation do you think was/is the most problematic?
No pain no gain is taken much too seriously
What as your growing up from childhood moment?