Since in 4 days plays cookie run kingdom ( crk ) I decide to make tier list about what’s brawlers opinion on crk
I promise I will start posting soon y'all
Colette roar
Send banner suggestions
We are danger to society!
The Birth Of Kevin (Dumb comic I made)
Ive been on hard drugs since 10 and now im clean at 14 video on how i did it
Bonniegang discord server
I live trolling in low trophy matches
Am I good?
Nothing makes Chester angry than seeing Mandy getting mocked and hurt
What is this for you?
Yup this is definitely Peppino and The Noise (Or Peppino and Anton)
I think I'm officially decent with janet
What if Janet made a diss track about Melodie?
Tick Rave Evolution
now the background this took so longgggggg
Hear me out
Tick and the Ticks
New best edgar player 💔
idk if wtv this is could be considered NSFW but js in case yk 😂
always the joke of the fourth option