Did Damon get a new tattoo?
Need help to recreate Patrick Bateman's Apartment (American Psycho)
Beginning of my Cyberpunk City
Me and my girlfriend’s halloween pumpkin
My Blur etc. Collection 2024 vs 2023
1970's NYC Office
Patrick Bateman's Apartment (from the movie "American Psycho") [Thanks for your help guys!]
Patrick Bateman's Apartment (from the movie "American Psycho")
NYC Brownstone houses
Hey Gorillaz listeners! What country are you from???
Whats wrong? (taken with SX-70 OneStep)
Leisure and Modern Life Is Rubbish
Got Leisure vinyl for 15€ in Japan!
Anyone know this album?
Handmade Nuka Cola Quantum 💙
Happy birthday to the release of Modern Life is Rubbish!!
David Bowie in Berlin (1976)
Got this for only 2€ at a record store!
Movie camera (made with invisible item frame and debug stick)
Vintage cinema projection booth (any suggestions?)
Should I buy?
Cyberpunk pawn store interior [BSL Shader]
Cyberpunk glitching McDonald's sign (made with clone command)