With Teeth Vinyl
Has anyone bought from this seller or this specific record?
pick one album and the rest were NEVER made
How do you even enforce this
What other bands do you listen to
I’m tired of being skinny.
wedding song advice?
Something bigs about to happen
What is nin’s most feel good song?
the downward spiral equipped😎 just need a vinyl player now
Twenty One Pilots Real or Fake?
What if we made Ruby their most streamed song on Spotify this month?
I cannot it good faith recommend NIN to anyone else.
Songs to listen to to grieve a dying family member
I’m sure this has been talked about on here, but how come ruby is on streaming now?
Paladin strait- the line
Has anyone noticed that on the animated cover of vessel Apple Music Tyler and Josh’s grandpas have skeleton shadows? i just thought it was a cool detail.
Why did you start listening to TØP?
Bands similar to Twenty One Pilots not in sound, but in depth and variety?
Any recommendations for new comers?
What are some lyrics you misheard, and were shocked when you first noticed your mistake?
What’s the best Foo album no one gives enough credit to?
scaled and icy (SAI)
help!! where can I find the black paint Tyler uses on his hands and neck, and the red duck tape?
Can anyone tell me what does this symbol mean?