Any directories or associations for photographers in South Australia?
What do you think is the best looking Nintendo Switch game?
Wtf did I find in my pool???
How cooked is bro?
Looking to buy some blue phazon
Do you think that the Seven are an accurate depiction of how superheroes would be irl?
What do you think of Squiddicus and his two levels?
I like how the longer I look at this page, the more weird things I notice.
It’s my birthday, and I want to see your cats!
Should I worry that that isn’t unusual for me?
What are some 'FICTIONAL fictional superheroes that you like?
Im worried I would have done something I usually would never do.
Do you have a unique favorite Pokemon? I need to know.
If I'm looking for someone, does that mean they're looking for me too?
What’s the best comic book casting ofat?
And now the Wombat kidnapper is blaming the Government…
Does that character seem too much like a rip off?
What do you criticize about the whole idea of superheroes and the whole superhero media stuff?
Making the most random island possible by only allowing one character per IP/Series. God help me…
Is he cooked or Nah?
Which starter you will use in any game and why here's my picks
Matt Murdock painting by me
Im scared I would have done something I know I would never do?
Remember when starlight killed an innocent man with a baby and the show never addressed it again. This dude didn't deserve this shit.
How do such thoughts start?